The first step in knowing how to use your camera is to read the manual.
Now, I'm not saying you need to read it cover to cover...although there are some folks who think that is the way to go...I'm not really one of them. I think most camera manufactures now a days make the instructions pretty clear and most of them have a quick start guide. Start there. Play around. Ask questions. The more you shoot the more comfortable you will become. Then, turn some of the knobs, push some of the buttons that are unfamiliar to you. Look them up in your handy dandy camera manual! I guarantee you will find some new settings that you will love and that will make your photos better.
Also, don't leave that manual in the box at home, put it in your camera bag. Take it with you. You never know when it will come in handy!
Don't have your manual anymore? Don't worry. You can find most of them in PDF form on the web. Or contact the camera manufacture and ask for one. I have found that most of the camera biggies will be more than happy to help you!